Zakharevich K-theory

CIMPA Floripa - Bivariant algebraic K-theory and Leavitt path algebras, surprise talk

Thomas Nikolaus: K-theory of Z/p^n and relative prismatic cohomology

Shifted combinatorial Hopf algebras for K-theory by Eric Marberg

Charles Weibel: K-theory of algebraic varieties (Lecture 2)

Thomas Nikolaus Polynomial functors and algebraic K theory

Alexander Efimov: On the K-theory of large triangulated categories

Homogeneous spaces, algebraic K-theory and cohomological(...) - Izquierdo - Workshop 2 - CEB T2 2019

K-Theory 1.1: The Grothendieck Group of a Category and the Group K(X)

Topological K-theory | Wikipedia audio article

Maria Yakerson | Universality of hermitian K-theory (in Russian)

Guoliang Yu: Quantitative operator K-theory and its applications

Grigory Garkusha: Algebraic Kasparov K-theory...

Arthur Bartels: K-theory of group rings (Lecture 2)

K-Theory Part 0 - Introduction to K-Theory

BilTop | Akhil Mathew | Descent and vanishing in algebraic K-theory via group actions

Michael Groechenig - The epsilon-connection and algebraic K-theory

eCHT, Piotr Pstragowski, 25 March 2021

Anna Marie Bohmann: Assembly in the Algebraic K-theory of Lawvere Theories

Akhil Mathew (November 6, 2020): Etale K-theory and motivic cohomology

Markus Land, “Manifolds, algebraic K-theory, and excision”, GeoTop Opening Symposium 2nd ed.

Differential K-theory and its Characters | D. Sullivan,James H. Simons | Лекториум

Dr. Anna Marie Bohmann | Assembly in the Algebraic K-theory of Lawvere Theories

VCAS: Quillen K-Theory: A reclamation in commutative algebra (Part 2)

BilTop | Julie Bergner | Variants of the Waldhausen S-construction